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The best of two Fathers

June 16, 2013

As I have pondered many times the blessings that can come of bad situations, I was lucky enough to have two Fathers growing up. They both have taught me many things in this lifetime .

One taught me the love of sports

One taught me tolerance and patience

One taught me not all kitchens gadgets work.

One taught me it is ok if you don’t make the drill team.

One taught me about starting over and second chances.

One taught me to watch out for practical jokes.

One taught me love doesn’t always mean they are right there with you.

One taught me no you won’t be Dorothy Hamill by the ice skating lessons were worth every penny.

One taught me that laughter is the best medicine.

One taught me a bleacher seat is most often the best seat in the park.

Both by example taught me love of country and service.

Both have been there for me even if not right across the room.

Both have loved me unconditionally.

We had our moments and maybe sometimes I didn’t think they were the best in the whole world, but getting through those times and on the other side speaks volumes.

Happy Fathers Day to them both and Thank You.

Me and my Daddy

Me and my Daddy

Father number 2

Father number 2

2 Comments leave one →
  1. June 25, 2013 11:03 pm

    What a great post, and a great tribute.

    I’d love to know more — for example, why did you have two fathers? Who taught you what and what was the context of that story. Etc.


    • July 4, 2013 1:14 am

      I’m so sorry, this comment went into spam and I haven’t been here in a while. I really need to write more, I have so many subjects to tackle. To be totally honest this blog was to celebrate my Daddy and my Step-dad. I had a pretty crap mother and if it wasn’t for these two men and two wonderful aunts I wouldn’t be the person I am today. Wow can’t believe I explained that so concisely.


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